2019-01-09 News Feed

Categories Hacker Shit, News Feed Stuff, Random Musings, Security Stuff, Stuff To Learn

Today’s Principle to Follow:
Principle #12: Value Knowledge and Practices That Have Stood the Test of Time.
   Humans are constantly learning and teaching each other the new things that we learn. But we have to keep in mind our track record. At one time we thought the Earth was flat. At one time we didn’t realize germs were spread through contact and that we should wash our hands. At another time many people believed the same creatures had always lived on the planet (rather than evolution). Of course, often newer findings may be accurate, but it can be a mistake to assume that all newer findings are accurate. In science, often one study appears to confirm something radical. A problem happens when further studies try to confirm those findings and fail – and we are forced to realize that the original experiment had an error. Also, you keep in mind that the media often reports on new findings either with wrong facts and interpretations, or they may exaggerate the implications of a minor finding to try to gain readers. If you stay up to date with the latest findings, maintain your skepticism.

Microsoft Patch Tuesday — January 2019 Security Updates Released
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

20-Year-Old Man Arrested For Carrying Out Germany’s Biggest Data Leak
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Zerodium is paying $2 million for Apple iOS remote jailbreak

Zerodium is paying $2 million for Apple iOS remote jailbreak

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Page Cache Attacks
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

‘Spoofing’ Google Search results
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

LeakLooker: Find Open Databases in Seconds
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Gradle Plugin Portal: Clickjacking & Cross-Site Request Forgery enabling Account Takeover
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

HackerOne – XSS in steam react chat client
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

polkit: temporary auth hijacking via PID reuse and non-atomic fork
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

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