2019-02-06 Random Interesting Shit

Categories Hacker Shit, News Feed Stuff, Random Musings, Security Stuff, Stuff To Learn

Today’s Principle to Follow:
Principle #26: When You Come Across A Word Or Term You Do Not Know, Look It Up.
   We live in an age where we have the privilege to look anything up in mere seconds. Many people have quick access to great resources in their own home. Some of the best resources are a dictionary, a thesaurus, an Wikipedia (or a general encyclopedia as a substitute). Of course, if you don’t have these in your own home, you can find them at a library. Vocabulary is closely linked to intelligence, and there is a clear reason for this. The more words and terms you know, the easier it is to understand new concepts and ideas. Learn new words so you can expand you learning and your understanding.

Critical Zcash Bug Could Have Allowed ‘Infinite Counterfeit’ Cryptocurrency
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Upcoming Firefox version to offer fingerprinting & cryptomining protection

Upcoming Firefox version to offer fingerprinting & cryptomining protection

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Poppin’ Calc: Web Studio Edition
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Researcher Assaulted By A Vendor After Disclosing A Vulnerability
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Introducing Armory: External Pentesting Like A Boss
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Flaws in RDP protocols leaving machines prone to remote code execution

Flaws in RDP protocols leaving machines prone to remote code execution

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

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