2018-12-10 News Feed

Categories Hacker Shit, News Feed Stuff, Random Musings, Security Stuff, Stuff To Learn

DuckDuckGo study claims Google Incognito searches are not private

DuckDuckGo study claims Google Incognito searches are not private

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Hackers conducting botnet attacks through 20k hacked WordPress sites

Hackers conducting botnet attacks through 20k hacked WordPress sites

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Another MongoDB database exposes personal data of 66M users \

Another MongoDB database exposes personal data of 66M users

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Code execution through crafted URLs
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

FreeRTOS TCP/IP Stack Vulnerabilities – The Details

FreeRTOS TCP/IP Stack Vulnerabilities – The Details

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Demystifying Kubernetes CVE-2018-1002105 (and a dead simple exploit)

Demystifying Kubernetes CVE-2018-1002105 (and a dead simple exploit)

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Bypassing Authentication Using Javascript Debugger
Bypassing Authentication Using Javascript Debugger.
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

igg (the IP geolocation groper) – a command line utility for geolocating IP addresses and host names.
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

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