RT @MeredithMBell: Save yourself frustra
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RT @MeredithMBell: Save yourself frustration and anger by accepting situations you cannot control: http://ht.ly/45U9a
RT @MeredithMBell: Save yourself frustration and anger by accepting situations you cannot control: http://ht.ly/45U9a
@WhiteHouse, why not cut politicians pay & let them be the first to lose pay in a shutdown & get rid of welfare that helps people not work.
RT @gandroids: Android Market Rankings Now Factoring in App Engagment http://tinyurl.com/3ch6cgx
Just stumbled across a great little paste site, for code, with syntax highlighting… It’s called #Pastie pastie.org #code
RT @Georg_Grey: Most people would rather be certain they’re miserable than risk being happy. – Robert Anthony