RT @AnneHaynes: Google Bids $900 Million
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RT @AnneHaynes: Google Bids $900 Million for 6,000 Telecommunications Patents http://goo.gl/5p7KU
RT @AnneHaynes: Google Bids $900 Million for 6,000 Telecommunications Patents http://goo.gl/5p7KU
RT @gandroids: Study: Android Most Popular Phone in United Kingdom With Over 4 Million Adult Users http://tinyurl.com/3h4qagm
RT @Georg_Grey: Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available. ~ Jim Beggs
RT @dhh: I’ve tried many answers for “what do you get out of working on open source?” but the truth is the act of creation is its own reward
“Do not go wher the path might lead, go instead where the is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson #quotes