RT @black_duck_sw: #AnDevCon was so succ
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RT @black_duck_sw: #AnDevCon was so successful, they have already scheduled a 2nd event for November! http://ht.ly/4bS0R
RT @black_duck_sw: #AnDevCon was so successful, they have already scheduled a 2nd event for November! http://ht.ly/4bS0R
RT @timoreilly: Safari and IE8 get shamed at Pwn2Own, Chrome still safe… for now http://engt.co/eSlgwo
RT @AlanJumpi: #andevcon presentations: http://j.mp/fJFzi3 and source code examples: http://j.mp/fM6B0l #google #android
Beginner’s guide to streaming video with #Flash #Media #Server 3.5. http://adobe.ly/gdars2 A little old but this is a good starting point.
Beginner’s guide to streaming video with #Flash #Media #Server 3.5. A little old but this is a good starting point. #interesting reading.