Wish I’d had the money and time to go t
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Wish I’d had the money and time to go to #AnDevCon… Maybe next year…. Hope everyone has a great time! #FingersCrossed
Wish I’d had the money and time to go to #AnDevCon… Maybe next year…. Hope everyone has a great time! #FingersCrossed
#awesome #WishIWasThere RT @AnDevCon: AndyHotTub: http://bit.ly/gZ2SbX
RT @Leadershipfreak: In order to coach ppl to their maximum potential, you must believe in their potential. #leadership Fm @BudtoBoss
Just finished recording a hi-qual walkthru video for the new budget system that I created for Hill College. #W3BGUY #HillCollege #liveStream
This is #awesome robot helps boy attend school! http://bit.ly/encuCi #robotics #technology Imagine the possibilities…