Shit About Me


I am an IT professional with a lifelong background in Information Technology, ranging anywhere from entry level documentation to IT Management (with a lot in between: experienced web developer, systems administrator, network administrator, application developer, college instructor, etc.).

I have been consistently recognized for my technical (and non-technical) troubleshooting skills used to rapidly and cost-effectively resolve challenging technical issues. I am equally successful in both team and self-directed settings. Though, I am admittedly not a people person – I prefer rules and policies to making friends.

I am proficient in a range of computer systems, languages, tools and testing methodologies. My ultimate goal is to find that perfect career that allows me to do what I love, earn enough of a salary to take care of myself and my family, and which allows me to spend time with my family and friends.

Specialties: My greatest skill would have to be the ability to jump into anything and “run” with it. I have a great natural talent for learning any new task, job, or skill in a very short time. I quickly learn and master new technology. I have made use of this talent on many occasions; from teaching myself how to operate forklifts, to teaching myself PHP/MySQL on the job, to teaching myself Asterisk and networking, and trouble-shooting problems at my current company.

If you are really interested, here is a more detailed description of me and my life, thus far:

Well, in general I’m just your average geek. I enjoy working out, and cycling (road and off-road), hiking, kayaking, swimming, rock climbing, playing with code, watching television (usually while coding), renaissance faires, traveling, camping, learning, beating challenges, and last but not least spending time with my wife. I am an Android enthusiast. I used to say that my ideal company to work for would be Google. Lately though, I’m not sure that is the case. While it would still be pretty awesome to work a stint at Google; I think I like the smaller startup environment more than the corporate environment.

In 2012, I founded the Hill College Information Technology Department – Computer Science Scholarship; although I did not have the chance to see the first scholarship awarded, I know that my actions will help a new geek enter the world of Information Technology.

I have been working with technology since around 1985, when I build my first computer with my mother. In my early years I experimented with Basic programming, Pascal programming, and C programming. I built my first BBS (Bulletin Board System, the predecessor to the modern web site) when I was about 14 year old (approximately 1990).

I continued working with computers through the 90’s, building small websites and working with other computer technology, until around 1997. At that time I took an multi-year sabbatical away from computers and technology.

In 2000 I started messing around with technology again, and started a PC repair business. It worked out pretty well, since I lived in a small community and I was just about the only geek around town.

In 2001 I moved north to Waco, TX. I tried to keep my business going, but was unsuccessful in a larger town where there were already well established computer companies. Through the years I worked in various technical and non-technical positions. I always seemed to become the local geek that everyone would come to.

In late 2006, I decided I needed to go back to college. So, I spent most of early 2007 looking into a college education. In May 2007 I started college as a Network major, because it looked like a field with a lot of job prospects. During my second semester (Fall 2007), I took my first programming course. I believe it was JavaScript, and I loved it. I had never really messed with JavaScript, but it brought back all the joy I always had when I would code as a kid. With that, I switched my Major to Application Development. I maintained a 4.0 GPA throughout my Associate’s Degree studies, until the final semester. As much as I tried I could not wrap my mind around Accounting, it just did not seem very logical, to me. After dealing with accounting in real life, and in my professions, I now believe that the issue was not my understanding of accounting. I believe it was the lack of a competent instructor. Still my responsibility for not taking the timet o properly figure things out. In Spring 2009, I finished my Associate of Applied Science Degree with a 3.96 GPA.

I started working on my Bachelor of Arts and Applied Science (BAAS) degree at A&M Commerce in the Spring 2011 semester. I graduated with that degree at the end of the Spring 2012 semester, with a 3.72 GPA.

While employed at Hill College, I developed a few systems, such as their Embedded Assessment system, their Online Budget System, and a Student Time-Clock system. I was working on a student/employee cafeteria check-in system to track when we use the cafeteria written in Adobe Air (this was actually finished and just awaiting review and approval by the VPs), and an inventory check-out system (though this never really made it passed the initial stage – the code is in my GitHub Repo). I also worked as the college’s only Web Design/Development instructor between Fall 2010 and Fall 2011. I worked at Hill College until April of 2012, when we parted ways due to unethical behaviour I discovered.

While out of work I developed a Point of Sale system for a local company in Waco. That project was finalized and we (the client and myself) were happy with the finished project.

After being out of work for about two months, I was offered an entry level position with S2G (Support Services Group), a local company. I quickly rose through the ranks, and eventually took over the IT department. I worked there till mid-march 2014, as the Manager of Professional Services and IT and as the Director of External Managed Services. In my average day, I handled anything from setting up switches and routers, to writing BASH and Python scripts, to implementing and managing the Linux thin client system all agents used, to managing the company SANs, to working jobs for Enterisys systems, to interviewing future employees, even performing unpaid off-the-clocks work for the company’s partners. I did a little bit of everything, which made the job interesting (although a little hectic).

In late April 2014 I was offered a position in Austin, with a company that I helped set up their Asterisk systems (something I’ve been trying to achieve for about a year), which I enthusiastically accepted This position was a lot fo fun, working with a startup company. The only real issues I saw there were their obsession with running only Apple products, lack of management, and lack of holding anyone responsible for their actions. In March 2015, I left TruSource Labs as an employee and have since worked as a contractor, performing their high level coding needs and keeping their Intranet running.

In June 2015, I took a position as the NetSuite Developer for HotSchedules. In that position I’ve returned to working with the NetSuite ERP system. Although it is great with finance, it has many other flaws that I always have to overcome and hack my way around. I do have to say that they are making great improvements with SuiteScript 2.0 and their new SDF. Better late than never.

In September 2016, I started a new Austin NetSuite Users Group. I’m starting it out on LinkedIn first. But, I hope for it to become a monthly (or weekly) meetup group.

In 2017, I’ve started trying to move back towards my hacking roots. I really miss the thrill of hacking and the challenge of getting bypassing security (especially physical security). My main focus, thus far, has been lockpicking. I’ve joined the local lockpicking club, here in Austin, Longhorn Lockpicking. I really would love to get into penetration testing. The only thing that is really stopping me is the ability to reduce my salary, which I can’t do at this time. Oh well… It it is meant to happen, it will.