2018-01-03 News Feed

Categories Hacker Shit, News Feed Stuff, Random Musings, Security Stuff, Stuff To Learn

Today’s Principle to Follow:
Principle #8: The Knowledge You Acquire On Your Own Is The Most Valuable.
   Geniuses don’t wait around for information to fall on their laps. They also don’t rely on one source to tell them everything. For example, they will not just listen to one news station and wait for the information to come to them through that one channel. A genius will pursue all kinds of ways of finding knowledge. They will ask questions and do research to find answers. When they find a direct answer to the question given by an expert, they will not necessarily believe the response without further evidence. They will seek more and more information to see if hey truly understand what they think they understand. The knowledge that you seek out and work to find and learn is the most useful and helpful of all. If it comes to you in a pamphlet or through a media station and finds you, then you are more likely to take it in passively and not make must use of it. Also, of course, information that find you is more likely to be biased. The best you can do is seek out the answers to your own questions.

Google Partially Patches Flaw in Chrome for Android 3 Years After Disclosure
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Crackers Hackers play PewDiePie ad on thousands of hacked Chromecasts & Smart TVs

Hackers play PewDiePie ad on thousands of hacked Chromecasts & Smart TVs

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

EU launches Bug Bounty program for 14 free open-source products

EU launches Bug Bounty program for 14 free open-source products

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Dark Overlord hackers vow to leak 9/11 related data stolen from law firm

Dark Overlord hackers vow to leak 9/11 related data stolen from law firm

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Smart Contract Security
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

Top Ten Bug Bounty Payouts of 2018
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

hackxor – web application hacking challenges
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

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