2019-01-29 Random Interesting Shit

Categories Hacker Shit, News Feed Stuff, Random Musings, Security Stuff, Stuff To Learn

Today’s Principle to Follow:
Principle #21: Plenty of Ideas are Great in Theory, but Fail Horribly in Practice.
   Ideas are fun to discuss, and to play around with in our minds, but to really know the value of an idea we have to test it somehow. Often times one test run isn’t enough. An idea might appear to be good at first, and later turn out to be unsustainable, Some ideas require help from many sources, but the more people or agencies that get involved in making an idea run, the more chances there are for problems that put a stop to it. Communism is a good example of an idea that did not go as planned. It was though that this system would sustain everyone and keep all of society satisfied in many countries. However, the reality was that the system was vulnerable to corruption, and it discouraged people from doing their best work because they wouldn’t be rewarded for it.
   Most ideas involve people in some way. For example, people will come up with the idea, execute the idea, and they will use the end product or the end system. The issue is that people at all stages tend to be unpredictable and they make mistakes. You can’t know for sure what people want, and how they will react to something new, and you also can’t account for unforeseen challenges along the way to making an idea happen. Be careful with your new ideas. Test them on a smaller scale before you invest heavily into them.

Fucking Homepage Words of Wisdom of the Fucking Day:
Let the improvement of yourself keep you so busy that you have no time to criticize others.

An Analyst’s Review of Top Cyber Certs

An Analyst’s Review of Top Cyber Certs

#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

What If Your VPN Keeps Logs and Why You Should Care

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Meet Aztarna, a tool to find vulnerable Internet connected robots

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#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

#2176 7z AES encryption – IV randomness issues
#hackerstuff #HackThePlanet

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