YouTube Embed Code Experiment

Categories Google, Information Technology, YouTube

via Website Magazine

YouTube is experimenting with a shorter, more compatible embed code which uses the <iframe> tag.

If you choose to use the new embed code style, site visitors will be able to view the embedded video in one of YouTube’s Flash or HTML5 players depending on their viewing environment and preferences. Supported environments include those browsers that support both the video tag in HTML5 and either the h.264 video codec or the WebM format (with VP8 codec).

As an aside, WebM is a media file format designed exclusively for the Web.

The suppported browsers include Firefox (WebM enabled version), Google Chrome (h.264 supported), Opera (WebM supported), Microsoft IE 9 (h.264), and Apple Safari (h.264, version 4+). Should there be an instance when HTML5 is not supported, YouTube will use Flash.

One of the most significant developments of the new embed style is that it will eventually allow embeds to work on mobile devices.

There are a few restrictions to the beta-test of the new embed code. Videos with ads are not supported (they will play in the Flash player), and on Firefox and Opera only videos with WebM transcodes will play in HTML5.

To participate in this experiment, simply join the HTML5 beta here.

Chrome Passes Safari

Categories Browsers, Chrome, Google, Google News, Information Technology, Safari, Web Development

via Website Magazine

Web analytics provider StatCounter is reporting that Google’s Chrom browsre has overtaken Apple’s Safari in the US for the first time. Research is from the firm’s StatCounter Global Stats report for the week beginning June 21.

Chrome with 8.97% took third place in the US browser market ahead of Safari with 8.88%. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer still dominates the US Internet browser market with 52%, followed by Firefox (28.5%).

“This is quite a coup for Google as they have gone from zero to almost 10% of the US market in under two years,” commented Aodhan Cullen, CEO, StatCounter. “There is a battle royal going on between Google and Apple in the internet browser space (Chrome v Safari) as well as in the mobile market (Android v iPhone).”

The data is based on an analysis of 3.6 billion page views (874 million from the US) for the week 21 to 27 June 2010 collected from the StatCounter network of over three million websites

Google Plans Music Service Tied to Search Engine

Categories Google, Google News, Information Technology

Via Wall Street Journal

Google Inc. is preparing to roll out a music download service tied to its search engine later this year, followed by an online subscription service in 2011, according to people familiar with the Internet giant’s discussions with the music industry.

Google’s proposals are still vague, say these people, and it’s unclear whether it has struck any deals with record labels so far. But Google has been stepping up conversations about offering new music services tied to phones running its Android operating system along with the broader Web, said people who have been briefed on the talks. The launch of Google’s download music store is still months away, these people said.

The discussions come as Google has been pushing deeper into music. Last year, as a first step, the company began linking to partner websites like iLike and Pandora through its search engine, allowing people to stream songs with one click from its search page. Now, the company is looking to tie its own service to its search engine, too….

Twitter Gets One Step Closer to Google

Categories Google, Information Technology, Social Media, Twitter, Web Development

via Website Magazine

It’s no secret that Twitter has been mostly centered on a “push” mentality – throw enough out there and something will stick, and you’ll gain followers in the mean time. Of course, the more followers you have the better chance of something sticking, or being shared. And, the cycle goes on. But things are about to change. Twitter is on its way to becoming a “pull” interaction – just like another world-famous website, Google.

If you think about Google like a social network, the similarities are clear. As a Google “publisher” your goal is to be listed and get the attention of others. When successful, your content is shared via syndication and links. As a Google “user” you’re there to find information, through search. When you find something you like, you might link to that website, bookmark the page or subscribe to the site’s RSS feed or e-mail newsletter. In other words, you become a “follower” of that website. But imagine if you were to “friend” every website as the result of a search … you would quickly become overwhelmed. Now take all of that and apply it to Twitter. It’s not much different….

Google is phasing out Windows!

Categories Google, Google News

I have to say, it’s about time. I wish we could do this at the college…

Google is phasing out Windows According to a report in the Financial Times, Google are phasing out the use of Microsoft’s Windows within the company because of security concerns. Citing several Google employees, the FT report reports that new hires are offered the option of using Apple Mac systems o…