New Google Privacy Policy..

Categories Crazy People, Google, Policies, Social Media

I keep seeing posts about how we should make sure to delete our +Google search  history before midnight tonight…  Seriously, why?  At least, in America, I’m sure that the government is monitoring everything we do anyway…  They love to break wiretapping laws like that.. #lol…

But seriously, are people actually worried about someone seeing their search results?  If you are searching for something that you’d like to hide, why are you logged in when doing it?  Or, for that matter why are you not at elast using a proxie to try and hide behind?

Personally, I welcome the new, improved services that this will eventually provide.  I say monitor my usage +Google, and use them to make my web experience even better.  I’d rather you do it that the American government… 🙂

Google Custom Search – Restricted to specific directory, and filetype…

Categories CSE, Custom Search Engine, Google, Information Technology, JavaScript

So I’ve been having trouble getting a new Google Custom Search to look only in a specific directory on my web server, as well as to only look at specific file types.   It seemed like this should have been SO easy…  But, it took me a bit to figure it out.  So here’s the information just in case anyone else needs it.

  1. Set up a new search engine, in Google Custom Search.
  2. Make sure that you have the root directory in the “Sites” section.  I used “”.
  3. You can enter refinements, but they only seem to work if the user clicks on them; not what I wanted.
  4. Go down to “Get Code” and grab the code block that is created for you.  For me it was this:
    • [code]<div id="cse" style="width: 100%;">Loading</div>
      <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
      google.load(‘search’, ‘1’, {language : ‘en’, style : google.loader.themes.MINIMALIST});
      google.setOnLoadCallback(function() {
      var customSearchOptions = {};
      var customSearchControl = new
      ‘Custom Search ID’, customSearchOptions);
      }, true);
  5. This will give you the basic search.  In order to add in the site restriction and the filetype restriction I changed it to:
    • [code]<div id="cse" style="width: 100%;">Loading</div>
      <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
      google.load(‘search’, ‘1’, {language : ‘en’, style : google.loader.themes.MINIMALIST});
      var customSearchOptions ={};
      /* Add Custom Search Option to restrict directory */
      customSearchOptions []={"as_sitesearch": ""};
      var customSearchControl = new"Custom Search ID", customSearchOptions );
      /* Add query addition to restrict filetype */
      function(control, searcher, query) {
      searcher.setQueryAddition("filetype:pdf OR filetype:PDF");
      }, true);

    I hope that helps out anyone else who might be looking for a similar problem…

Rooting a NOOKcolor 1.2.0

Categories Android, Google, Hacking, NOOK, NOOKcolor, Rooting, YouTube

I picked up my new NOOKcolor, yesterday, at Barnes and Noble.  As just an eBook reader, it is very impressive.  But, I wanted to the full Android tablet capabilities, not just an eReader.

After searching all around the Internet for reliable instructions, I found a video walk-through on YouTube (, and a text walk-through on (

In short, what this takes is a micro SD card, turned into a bootable SD card, with the new ROM on it.  The walk-through on the xda site links to the needed image writer, the bootable image, and the new ROM.  Those links are as follows:

Image Writer:
Bootable Image:

The video shows a “Install Failed” at the end of the installation.  I received the same screen, and after rebooting it worked fine.  Once the tablet is rooted, it appears to work just like a regular Android tablet.  I just rooted mine, so we’ll see how it goes throughout the day.


Easy GPS Coordinates

Categories Google, Google Maps, JavaScript, Web Development

Ever need to find the GPS coordinates for a location?
Try the simple step below to get the GPS coordinates for any location, using Google Maps:

  1. Open Google Maps, and find the areayou wish GPS coordinates for
  2. Right click at the specific spot you would like GPS coordinates for
  3. Select “center map here” from the list
  4. Paste this JavaScript code into the address bar
    • javascript:void(prompt(”,gApplication.getMap().getCenter()));
  5. Press Enter on your keyboard
  6. A pop-up will appear showing the coordinates of the center of the map. It should look something like this: (43.60336, -110.7362)
  7. Right click on the coordinates to copy, and click either “OK” or “Cancel”